Price:US $2375
Display:external monitor
Expansion:card-cage w/ S-100 bus
and 12 card slots
Storage:internal hard drive

A different kind of computer than we think of today, the Dynabyte is an S-100 bus system.
It is comprised of a case, power supply, and a passive motherboard with nothing but slots to insert cards. But it's very sturdy - this particular system weighs 65 pounds!

All of the computer components, CPU, memory, interface circuitry, etc are on circuit boards which plug into the motherboard.

Available S-100 cards include:
  • cassette tape interface
  • floppy disk controllers
  • memory expansion
  • microprocessor
  • serial interface
  • video cards

  • This particular system is packed, almost every option has been installed, including an internal hard drive - quite rare and expensive for the day.

    Built in late 1981, after such capable and popular systems as the TRS-80 model III, Commodore PET 4032, and the Osborne 1 portable computer, it seems pretty antiquated by comparison.

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